Nominations are open for the Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year® Award. Nominate a deserving spouse today!

Myths of Insurance Bundling

One of the biggest myths in the insurance industry is the “bundle discount”; that is, combining all of your policies with one company under the assumption that your rates will be discounted. However, even with these discounts you still may not be getting the most competitive premiums. That’s where we come in.

AFI is not only a direct writer for property insurance but we also have a full-service agency which means we are able to offer you coverage through various national carriers to help you determine the best carrier and coverage specific to your needs; and with this seamless process you can discuss all of your property insurance needs with one agent.

Doing this allows our members to discuss all of their policy needs with a dedicated AFI agent. Let us help you decide if bundling is right for you. Call today at 855-307-8652 because at AFI, Our Mission Is You®.