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3 Tips to find the best home insurance for veterans

What makes the best home insurance for veterans?

The best home insurance for veterans is the insurance that meets your needs, is a financial value and is delivered and administered by trusted advisors you know.

Ok, that’s the elevator speech. But what really does make the best home insurance for veterans … the best?

As it turns out, more than 135 years of company experience protecting the property of people who protect our country has imparted some valuable insights into just that question. We’ve asked some of our experts to share some of those insights.

So what makes the best home insurance for veterans different?

First, let’s start with the elephant. It’s right there. Yes, you see it: many insurance carriers and, thus, their products are very similar. So it makes sense to look for their key differences. Start by asking a few questions, either to yourself as you see and review insurance sales materials, or to any carrier representative as you shop:

  • Whom can I contact if I have questions or want to make changes to my policies?
  • Whom can I contact if I believe I need to file a claim?
  • Whom can I contact if I move?

If the answer to all these questions includes the agent you already know or someone they know, that’s worth a lot. Unless, of course, you enjoy meeting new people every time you need to do anything with your insurance policy. Hey, we don’t judge.

Kidding aside, in a word, trust makes the best home insurance for veterans different. You build trust shooting straight, dealing fairly, listening and being someone others can depend on. A company that does these things will be there for you when you need them most. It’s hard to overstate how important that is in a homeowner insurance carrier.


“In a word, trust makes the best home insurance for veterans different.”


The carrier with the best home insurance for veterans will serve the veteran community

Yeah, duh. And, yeah, that narrows the field of potential carriers. But, seriously, if a home insurance carrier doesn’t have (mostly) veteran and active duty armed service policyholders, you need to ask yourself if they are the best fit for your needs. Maybe they are; we’re not suggesting that other companies are not reputable. But maybe a few companies that focus their entire resources on serving the military service community are a better fit. Maybe even just one.

Ok, I trust them, and they focus on people like me. What else?

Well, we think it’s pretty simple. When it comes to your experience and all of the most important values that a home insurance carrier can offer, smaller is better. Picture an army of executives servicing a $35 billion company. Now picture a few hundred people living in a small military town in Kansas who share a tradition of serving American armed forces for more than 135 years. Who is likely to deliver the best home insurance for veterans?


“The best home insurance for veterans is the insurance that meets your needs, is a financial value and is delivered and administered by trusted advisors you know.


Ok, that’s the elevator speech. But what really does make the best home insurance for veterans … the best?”


Putting it all together

Let’s make an actionable list. So here are three tips for finding the best home insurance for veterans:

  1. Find a trusted advisor. Check reviews. Talk to an agent from a prospective home insurance carrier. If they’re forthcoming and forthright, Keep them on the short list.
  2. Does the carrier service the active duty and veteran community? This potentially narrows the list a lot, for good reason.
  3. Who’s behind the logo? Legions of people scattered across the globe? A small, dedicated cadre in a small, historic, military community?

If you’re a veteran or still on active duty, only you can decide what matters most and what makes the best home insurance for veterans. Just make sure you weigh all the value and think about who you want on your side if life throws challenges at you.

Armed Forces Insurance: home insurance for veterans from people you can trust

Armed Forces Insurance has been a trusted advisor to American armed forces service members and veterans for more than 135 years. We’re not a giant corporate skyscraper full of slick insurance executives. We’re a small company headquartered just down the road from Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. We know each other, and our customers know us. If you’re looking for a someone you can trust to shoot you straight and help you protect your home and property, check out our homeowner insurance page.

Learn more about home insurance:

A Consumer’s Guide to Home Insurance (National Association of Insurance Commissioners)

Homeowners Insurance Basics (Insurance Information Institute)

Armed Forces Insurance

Get the right homeowner insurance from a company you can trust.